Monday, May 28, 2012



We talked to an experienced green builder about “green house” construction and remodeling. This builder was experienced in both commercial and residential. He said commercial building was more based on return on investment than anything else. The best way to achieve this is to  build the building with this in mind. Lower energy costs and incentives based on environmentally safe design can all add to a higher ROI. Residential construction sells mainly on health, safety, and comfort than anything else. The benefits of a sustainable design are that health and safety are aligned with this purpose. Indoor air quality adds to both the health and safety of the residents. A sustainable building uses resources on a more efficient level and weather it is ROI or health that is positively influenced the benefits generally out weight the costs.


The mission of the Portland Development Commission is to insure a diverse, sustainable community with healthy neighborhoods, a vibrant central city, a strong regional economy, and quality housing and jobs for all. This commission was created to serve as an agency for Portland’s urban and economic development. Keeping sustainability in mind with Portland’s development maintains the triple bottom line; social, economic, and environment. The agency is quasi-governmental working with the government on some projects and with the private sector on others. They also work closely with Portland State University and the local community college.  Having an agency that works with a broad range of sectors can benefit in them working collectively together for the betterment of the city.


The Cascadia Green Building Council collaborates with organizations that have a stake in the future of the regions that this council oversees. Having chapters in Vancouver, Seattle, Portland, and in Alaska they cover a large section of the Pacific Northwest. They are committed to the environment in these regions by building a roadmap for sustainable buildings. They use their resources for continuing education and a multitude of benefits for their members. They build a network of leading organizations in sustainable development in their region and support these organizations to work together to push the limits on green building technologies. 

Ecotrust is a non-profit organization that believes “true wellbeing is possible” and works to foster it. They strive to develop a model for this type of living. They also believe that the current, 300 year-old, industrial economic model is not the way to achieve this goal. They collaborate with private, public, and non-profit organizations in order to identify innovation that can lead to discovering this new model. My class and I were able to tour their facility. The building was amazing and had a natural feel to it. The building is a source of funding for Ecotrust. It houses businesses and non-profit organizations that are agreeable to Ecotrust’s goals. In this way, Ecotrust can invest their building space to organizations that help achieve their goals.


Dull Olson Weekes Architects (DOWA) is an architecture firm that is committed to sustainability. On the tour we discussed sustainability in the learning environment. We were shown a few school building projects. The schools were designed with the kids as the main focus. The children were even used in the design of the schools. A school building that was fun and sustainable. The children composted, recycled, and even alerted the teacher when they could open a window and turn of the lights in order to save energy. In order to realize a building’s full potential in its energy and resource conservation, it must be used right. DOWA kept this in mind by not only creating a sophisticated school, but a type of “user manual” for the people occupying the building. This manual guided them on how to use the school’s features and ensured that everyone who was given the manual would be able to use the school’s features.


We also visited a cohousing community in Portland. Cohousing is when a community of residents chooses to live together and work closely with one another. Their condos are linked together and they share a huge yard with a playground. There are community meals and shared responsibilities. The community in this cohousing facility is very close. The type of resident that would fit in this type of living environment is a person who wants a strong sense of community. The facility is designed for interaction. All of the condos have windows open and the windows face on another and the park in the middle of the building. This type of density would allow for more citizens to live together with less space and less of an impact on the environment.


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