The North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) is a group of municipalities, which cover a wide area spanning many counties and cities, that work together in order to face problems together. One of these problems is the non-attainment status of their air quality. The main focus of the regulations, that aim to reach attainment, is to decrease the mono-nitrogen oxides (NO) and nitrogen oxides (NO2) that are mainly caused from the combustion process of car engines. Both of these pollutants are sometimes referred to as NOx. When NOx is mixed with volatile organic compounds (VOCs) it makes ozone. Ozone is very harmful and its presence in the air is heavily measured and regulated. The National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS), which is monitored by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), is set at 75 parts per billion for the DFW area [1]. Currently the region is at non-attainment, which means they are not meeting that standard, and are currently registering 90 ppb. Over the years that number has been decreasing, but last year it increased. Since the chemical process of the pollutants releasing into the air require heat, some experts think that it was mainly because of the intense heat that there was an increase. But that assumption has not been proven.
The NCTCOG has created a team that is looking solely at reaching attainment, Air North Texas. This team has created many programs to focus on reducing the biggest facilitator of the creation of ozone, on-road traffic (49% of NOx ). They have many programs that plan on reducing the number of vehicles on the road.
Programs to Decrease Ozone
1. Regional Smoking Vehicle Program: informs vehicle owners their vehicle may be creating excessive smoke and emitting pollutants
2. Clean Air Action Day: On July 7th from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. try to not drive and see if any of the other options that are available may turn out to be something that can be done on a more regular basis.
3. Advocating Car/Van Pooling: less vehicles driving means less emissions
These programs are amazing, but even if they reach out to every person there will still be much that we need to do. Being a leading force to improve air quality, Air North Texas has some tips on how everyone can make a difference with just a few healthy habits:
1. Observe the Speed Limit
2. Walk/Bike
3. Bring Lunch to Avoid Leaving for Break
4. Avoid Idling
5. Optimum Tire Pressure
6. Educate Others About Air Quality
Steve A. Chaney from the Texas A & M AgriLIFE Extension service spoke about what it means to have a sustainable yard. There is a large portion of our world sectioned off for people to care for and if they do that in an unsustainable way there will be consequences. The DFW area went through a rough drought this summer and it is projected to continue for a few more years. Since the DFW area is living very close to its limits, when considering the city’s ability to provide water for its citizens, water conservation should be motivation enough for land owners to take heed to the expert’s call for more action.
Ignorance is no excuse. The extension service provides a website [2] with all the information anyone would need to know about planting. Even if a person didn’t want to use the internet there is a number that is provided that they can call to get their answers about sustainable yard-care. Just to get EVERYONE started on creating a more sustainable yard here are the denominations that are recommended.

· 1/3 Turf
· 1/3 Planting Beds
· 1/3 Permeable Hardscape
Maintaining a sustainable yard is cheaper and better for the environment. DFW denizens need more yard “stewards” to take control over their land and make it more sustainable so the DFW area can conserve water more effectively. With a few more years of drought there may not be a choice of whether or not a yard needs to be sustainable. It might become mandated, so the transition may be easier if done earlier rather than later.
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